Success is the sum of the right decisions! The use of OBSERVAR unique tools and methods provides business a lasting success and opens new perspectives on the greatest opportunities and risks – so you can be sure that in the future your employees and investments are optimally placed.
Comprehensive advice – With our long-standing experience and expertise, and the OBSERVAR software we will support you in the development and expansion of an optimal environment and methodology for you EGRC management.
Corporate Governance
Principles of corporate governance to direct and control the regulatory framework of the entire organization. Critical management information must be sufficient, complete, accurate and timely available to enable appropriate management decisions. The control mechanisms are required to ensure that the policies, rules / instructions are systematically and effectively carried out.
Our consulting services: Together we will work out the best strategy and methodology for your company.
Risk Management
Every business is subject to risks and opportunities that challenge to management is to determine and decide how much uncertainty are accepted. Uncertainties may be risks and opportunities. Enterprise risk management enables management to effectively deal with uncertainties and the risks and opportunities related to deal with:
- Identification, analysis and management of risks, including multiple and cross-enterprise risks.
- Less negative surprises and losses.
- Proactive implementation of the opportunities and possibilities.
Our consulting services: implementation of governance, risk and C compliance assessments for the opportunities and risks evaluation and rating.
Internal Control System
Provides current real time data from the ongoing operation via
- Effectiveness and efficiency of Processes
- Accurate and current financial reporting
- Observance of applicable laws and regulations (compliance)
- Detection of irregularities, errors
Our consulting services: Comprehensive ICS process catalog with 160 process steps
Compliance with specified requirements
- Legal obligations, regulations and guidelines
- Monitor and review the current status of compliance
- Assess the potential costs of not meeting compliance
Our consulting services: Benefit from our years of experience!