

Consulting Team

Peter Nauer  CEO


Mr. Nauer was responsible of the area of Enterprise Risk Management services (ERM), at KPMG Switzerland between 1997 and 2004 (total of 14 years within KPMG). Over the last decade he has pioneered consultancy on “Control and Risk Self Assessments” (CRSA) in Europe, conducting risk management projects for a variety of customers in various industries and countries.

From 1990 to 1996 Peter Nauer worked at KPMG Zug in the auditing department, mainly for international clients.

This experience (including the coordinator role of the global group audit of a listed company with around 150 subsidiaries) was the cornerstone for the development of methods and tools which, with uniform procedures and evaluations, also allow the group-wide consolidation of opportunities and risks.

Development Team

The development of the OBSERVAR solutions is performed in-house with our own team.

This team is also available for technical tool and implementation support – as well as for bugfixing.

Over the last 10 years, this team fixed 99 % of all bugs in less than 3 hours.

Our Head of Development joined OBSERVAR in 2010 and is also shareholder of OBSERVAR AG.

For poaching reasons we do not show our development team in our homepage.

With the MBO April 1, 2004 Peter Nauer acquired all rights to the OBSERVAR tool as well as permission to officially use the previous projects as references.